As much as I love carnivore and taking the evolutionary approach to live sometimes you have to conceded defeat and ask a doctor for advice, modern medicine can do some things right after all. So I have recently had a few little issues that warranted a blood test and I came back as having a massive folate deficiency. I haven't been eating as much liver as I used to but it could also be through malabsorption as whilst my IBS is better it is far from perfect. With the amount I have been running I have tried to up fat and that ups the IBS and things might have spiralled from there.

Not content with that I was also scheduled in for some minor surgery, nothing related to running or carnivore and just one of those things. You’ll be seen in the morning they told me…. well come 3:30 I was finally seen having not eaten since 3pm the day before (due to running at 7 with my club and IF) and not having drunk since 6am (as instructed).
They wheeled me into the room to perform the general and put the cannula in (though the first one didn't take), no meds yet and I started to feel light headed and dizzy. As a runner my resting pulse is pretty low, around 50-55ish, but it started to drop, 45, 40, 35, 30… and then for 5 seconds it was so low the machine read it as 0 and I blacked out, had a seizure and ripped the cannula out.
I came to with a jolt, sitting upright and with no clue what had happened. My temperature then plummeted and I felt freezing. They covered me with some magical warm blankets and something like a leaf blower that pumped hot air over me, that felt lovely. I regained my bearings and felt fine but they decided the op needed to be scrapped and now I need to be referred to cardiology. On the plus side I was in the right place for this to happen! I ended up on Oxygen and requiring 2 doses of atropine to get me back to a good place.
They are pretty sure it is nothing serious and all my bloods and an ECG came back normal. Could just be low electrolytes and dehydration so when the op gets rescheduled maybe I will be first on the list? So now I am due to get an echo followed by more blood tests and a 24 hour ECG.
First priorities are growing the hair back on my arm and getting over the stinking cold I caught in hospital. The whole episode left me feeling very drained and needing a lot of rest.
So for now breaking 17 minutes has taken a step back. I intend to get myself feeling great again, monitor blood pressure, pulse and SPo2 etc. and build the running back up. I have taken some sick leave and have AL to use up so should be recovered and good to go in a few weeks and some easy weeks with slow running shouldn't hurt my fitness significantly.... It is the menta fitness that could suffer but I have the processes from the confident mind to keep me fit, fast and strong and I am sticking to my daily routines.
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